Learn Irish Sign Language, from the experts!
Irish Sign Language
Irish Sign Language (ISL) is the first and/or preferred language of 5000 Deaf people in Ireland and approximately 40,000 people in general will communicate in ISL (family, friends, co-workers, etc).
Irish Sign Language is the indigenous language of the Deaf community. It is a visual and spatial language with its own distinct grammar and not only is it a language of the hands, but also of the face and body. ISL is different from all other sign languages such as British Sign Language, American Sign Language etc.
Here at Sign Language Association of Ireland (SLAI), we promote the importance of Irish Sign language and support the use of ISL in frontline health, education, and social services. Our aim is to ensure that Deaf people are supported in accessing these vital services.
On the 14th December 2017, the Irish Sign Language (ISL) Act was passed by the Dáil. This was a momentous day as it followed years of hard work and campaigning by the Deaf community, led by the Irish Deaf Society and supported by Senator Mark Daly. We continued to campaign for all those years as the Deaf community were continually being marginalised by society and there was the constant risk of miscommunication, misinterpretation and misdiagnosis. There needed to be regulations in place to give access in Irish Sign Language and to ensure that the Deaf community were not being refused their right to an ISL interpreter. Despite the bill being rejected by 3 votes we persevered and finally were successful in 2017. President Michael D. Higgins signed the ISL Act into law on the 24th December 2017 – we will never forget that day.
The Deaf community now mark National ISL Day every year on the 14th December. This year to mark National ISL Day the Irish Deaf Society (IDS) are delighted to launch our series of videos ‘An Introduction to ISL Linguistics’ produced in collaboration with the Centre for Deaf Studies.
As of 2021, the International Week of the Deaf will now be known as the International Week of Deaf People (IWDP). This name change in name comes from the decision of the XVI WFD General Assembly, in which our Ordinary Members requested that The WFD work to establish an International Day of Sign Languages, change the name of our annual celebration to the International Week of Deaf People.
We accomplished the first goal in 2017, with the UN Resolution recognizing 23rd September as the International Day of Sign Languages. From 2021, we celebrate the International Week of Deaf People!
Daily Themes:
♦ Cherishing Deaf History - Monday 20th September 2021
♦ Sustainable Deaf Leadership - Tuesday 21st September 2021
♦ Sign Languages for All Deaf Learners - Wednesday 22nd September 2021
♦ We Sign for Human Rights! - Thursday 23rd September 2021
♦ Intersectional Deaf Communities - Friday 24th September 2021
♦ Deaf Culture and Arts - Saturday 25th September 2021
♦ Human Rights in Times of Crisis - Sunday 26th September 2021
WFD Charter on Sign Language Rights for All – What is the WFD Charter? The WFD Charter on Sign Language Rights for All is a document that outlines key principles that signatories agree to support.
Who can sign the WFD Charter?
Signatories to the Charter can be individual persons, organizations or government entities. Anyone and everyone is welcome and encouraged to sign the WFD Charter.
Why sign the WFD Charter?
In signing the Charter, you can demonstrate your support for the rights of deaf people to realize their full human rights through the use of sign languages.
Book your Sign Language Course!
The Irish Sign Language Association standard course, is graduated through three/four levels from the Beginner’s course to the Advanced Course. There is a series of two (2) hour sessions based on a total of 120 – 150 hours, normally involving a three year or four year period.
Level 1 Course
40-50 hours
In this beginners course, the student is guided through the basics of Sign Language that is used among the Irish Deaf Community. Pass in the Level One examination allows advance to the next Level.
Level 2 Course
40-50 hours
The practical is taught. Information is given about various aspects of the deaf community, and technological aids. Passing the Certificate examination enables entry into the Level Three course
Level 3 Course
40-50 hours
This course comprises an intensive range of skills that are needed for easy communication with deaf people. Passing the Level Three examination, completes the standard course in Irish Sign Language (ISL).
Level 4 Course
40-50 hours
This course is for those, who wish to advance to higher standards in the area of Sign Language. Modules not included in the preceding courses are included, constant dialogue is required with members of the deaf community.
Irish Sign Language Association deliver the best ISL Courses in Ireland
Amazing Tutors!
Our highly qualified ISL tutors will guide you every step of the way!
Small Classes
Class sizes that are the right size to make sure that you learn ISL in the best environment!
Proper Accreditation
All those who successfully complete our ISL courses, receive a recognised certificate.
What is involved in each Sign Language Exam?
Examinees will be asked to cover the following topics:
Total Time approx. 7 mins each
Deaf Issues
Examinees will be asked to cover the following topics:
Total Time approx. 12 mins each
4 Part Stories
Deaf Issues
Examinees will be asked to cover the following topics:
Total Time approx. 25 mins each
4 Part Stories
Picture Stories
Deaf Issues
Examinees will be asked to cover the following topics:
Total Time approx. 30 mins each
4 Part Stories/ News of the day
Picture Stories
Translation from script/Video
Deaf Issues
Get in Touch!
email: irelandsignlanguage2@gmail.com
Text: 087 931 0111
Address: Ratoath Road, Cabra,
Dublin 7, Republic of Ireland.